Earn Up to $1,000 From Home This Week

  • No experience required.
  • Can be completed in your spare time.


We’re searching for people nationwide to engage with some of the largest brands in the world. You’ll have an opportunity to earn up to $1,000 by engaging with these brands online from the convenience of your home. This gig category isn’t considered new but has grown exponentially in popularity due to the pandemic with more people being at home. As a participant in the UpLevel Rewards program, you will be asked to engage with popular products such as streaming service subscriptions, playing various mobile gaming apps, and trying retail products that could potentially make great gifts. During your registration process, UpLevel Rewards will collect some basic contact information and create a consumer profile based on your interests to establish what products & services would be suitable for you to engage with. You should know that to maximize your earnings, some brands will require you to make small purchases to activate your accounts. Be assured that you can earn much more than you’re asked to spend during the program. UpLevel Rewards has paid out over $16,000,000 to it’s participants.


  • Ability to follow precise instructions is crucial.
  • Must have access to a reliable internet connection.
  • Must be 18 years or older to participate.
  • Register using a frequently checked email address for communications.
  • Have access to a cell phone with reliable service
  • Track completion activity for any products & services that you sign up for.
  • While some brands have no cost, you’ll need a valid credit card to make small purchases with other brands.
  • Earn much more than you’re asked to spend during the program.


There is an interactive registration process that can be completed in an average of 2 minutes. After you click the Register Now button below, you will begin this process. You’ll start by answering a few simple survey questions and will then be directed to a page where we ask for your email address so we and our brand partners can keep in contact and answer any questions you may have. From there, you will be prompted to submit some basic information like your name and address. If you have registered before, you may not see that step in the process and will be fast tracked where you can continue engaging with some of the largest brands in the world.


After the registration process and survey have been completed, you will reach the last step in the process which will display a wide selection of products & services that you can sign up for. Follow the instructions accurately and sign up for the products & services that interest you most and use them as specified to completion. UpLevel Rewards refers to these products & services as “Deals”. The more “Deals” you complete the greater your earning potential will become as shown in the instructions. UpLevel Rewards has tracking integrations with every Deal partner on these pages, so you can be confident that you’ll receive credit for your activity. Each Deal partner will send us a signal when you’ve completed the requirements for a specific product.

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